The Ohio Development Services Agency has announced that it is now accepting application for the Abandoned Gas Station Cleanup Grant Program. Eligible activities include $100,000 for assessment and up to $500,000 for cleanup.
The program targets abandoned gas stations and cleanup of underground storage tanks (UST). To be eligible, the tank must be certified as a Class C BUSTR tank (i.e. abandoned).
The first round of application are due by April 1, 2016. A total of $3.5 million of the $20 million will be available in this round of funding.
A review of the scoring matrix released with the application provides insight into which types of projects will score the best. There are a total of 100 point available. The points are awarded based on the following categories:
- Environmental Impact (extent of contamination, proximity to waterways or residences, etc) 15 points
- Community Impact (land use after cleanup and benefits to the community) 15 points
- Economic Impact (job creation, increase in land value) 15 points
- Previous planning efforts 10 points
- Cost to address sold waste removal- if over $5,000 get 10 points
- Prior recipient of a BUSTR loan 5 points
- Private funds invested in the property in the past 5 years – Less than $10,000 5 points; More than $10,000 gets 10 points
- Previous Assessment or Fast Track grantee 20 points
The scoring matrix does look like a balance of environmental, community and economic benefit. Unlike JobsOhio Revitalization Program, projects involving heavily contaminated sites will get higher priority. JobsOhio’s program is almost entirely focused on economic redevelopment.
Projects that have had prior planning efforts or investment in funds will also do better in this competitive grant cycle.
Potential applicants now have less than a month to get their applications in for this first round of funding.