The Diesel Emission Reduction Grant program (DERG) funds clean diesel projects, including diesel exhaust retrofits, engine repowers and replacements. The program is intended to provide voluntary funding to reduce diesel emissions to assist Ohio in meeting federal air quality standards.
The more voluntary reductions for vehicles the less reductions are needed from industry to meet federal mandates. The DERG program offers an excellent way for companies across Ohio to help reduce environmental regulatory burdens without having the shoulder the lion share of the costs to make engine improvements.
The budget bill provided $20 million over the next two years for the DERG program. The administration of the program was also moved from the Ohio Department of Development to Ohio EPA. The move should reduce the administrative burdens experienced under the old program because applicants will now deal with one state agency versus two.
Here is the initial approximate schedule for the first round of funding:
- October 2011: Website and application are under development (
- October – November 2011: information sessions in several cities, release of RFPs
- January 2012: proposals due
- March 2012: DERG grant awards announced
- April 2012: Project under Contract
- September 2012: Next round of applications due
Information sessions are being held in cities across Ohio for interested
eligible Ohio applicants and vendors. The next scheduled DERG
information session will be held in Dayton on Tuesday, November 1, at
the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency at 117 S. Main Street. More
information about the November 1, and future DERG information sessions
is available on line
An overview of the DERG program and additional information can be found on the Ohio EPA website.