On June 6, 2017, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt notified states that U.S. EPA was extending by one year the deadline for designating those areas in non-compliance with the 2015 ozone standard. The 2015 ozone standard is 70 parts per billion (ppb), which is lower than the prior ozone standard of 75 ppb established in 2008.
Two Trump Administration Environmental Priorities to Help the “Rust Belt”
There is a lot of hyperbole regarding President-Elect Trump’s potential environmental agenda. During the campaign there was also a lot made about issues of employment and opportunity in the "Rust Belt" (a term I personally do no like). Here are two suggestions of how the incoming Trump Administration could bring greater opportunity to the Rust…
After Lengthy Delay EPA Sets Ozone Standard at 70 ppb
As predicted last year in a prior blog post, EPA announced today that it would revise the current ozone standard of 75 ppb downward to 70 ppb. EPA had been contemplating a revised standard between 70 ppb and as low as 60 ppb.
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is required to review the…
EPA’s Long Anticipated Ozone Decision
On November 25th, U.S. EPA finally issued the long anticipated proposal to reduce the ozone standard. The EPA is proposing to revise both the primary and secondary standards to a level within the range of 65 parts per billion (ppb) to 70 ppb. The current (2008) ozone standard is 75 ppb. Under the Clean…
EPA’s Decision to Deny Ozone Petition Based in Reality
Combating ozone pollution is really about time. When I was back at Ohio EPA, we had countless meeting discussing how Ohio could (or whether it could) accelerate progress dramatically in reducing ozone pollution. During that time we would discuss "on-the-books controls" versus new state initiatives.
"On-the-book controls" referred to a suite of federal air…
Is U.S. EPA Finally Moving Toward a Stricter Ozone Standard
The Obama Administrative continues to be heavily criticized by industry for its aggressive development of greenhouse gas regulations. In contrast to the dizzying pace of new greenhouse gas regulations stands finalization of a new ozone standard…something the President promised to do after being elected to his first term.
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is…
U.S. EPA Proposes New P.M. 2.5 Federal Air Quality Standard
Under increasing pressure from the Courts, EPA announced on June 14th its proposed revision to the federal air quality standard for fine particles (microns less than 2.5). The last standard was 15 ug/m3 which was established in 1997. EPA is now proposing to lower the standard somewhere between 12 and 13 ug/m3.
Back in 2009, the Court…
As Dust Settles After Ozone Announcement the States Emerge as the Big Winners
The Obama Administration had already delayed issuance of a revised ozone standard three times. EPA had said repeatedly that it would it would finally promulgate the new standard by this August. Then last week, President Obama shocked many by announcing that EPA would not issue a new ozone standard until 2013.
A Little History on Ozone
EPA Will Likely Propose a 70 ppb Ozone Standard
The Obama Administration, after stopping the implementation of the Bush-era ozone standard, has delayed choosing a revised standard three times. These delays had given hope that EPA may wait to choose a revised standard until after the election.
In conversations with representatives for industry most impacted by the revised ozone standards, they told me they thought the Administration was positioning…
EPA’s Delay Tactic Avoids Real Change
On Monday, EPA announced it was delaying its proposed rules that would apply greenhouse gas emission standards to power plants. EPA said it would push the proposal back from July to September to allow more time to consider comments. EPA still expects to finalize the rule by May 2012.
Its no secret that EPA regulations have been the focus…