The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) contains the highest federal funding yet for the 5 r’s of diesel- retrofits, replacements, repowers, replace and refuel. The competitive announcements for the ARRA Funding for National Diesel Emissions Reduction Program became available on March 20, 2009. Better get your act together if you still want an application
Pitfalls and Considerations When Deploying Cleantech or Renewable Energy Projects
So you are about to deploy the first commercial version of your new technology. Or you are about to select your site for a new renewable or advanced energy project. In ramping up your cleantech project, everything has looked great in small scale trial tests. You have had great result and are excited to bring this…
Ohio looks for “Shovel Ready” Brownfield Sites for State Share of Stimulus Money
Hurry up and get your site in line by Monday March 30th with the State of Ohio for possible additional federal brownfield money to support your project. The State is only looking for "shovel ready" sites. This means the types of brownfield sites that may be able to secure the $200,000 federal brownfield stimulus money are limited. …
Future Grant Rounds and Improvements to Ohio’s Brownfield Redevelopment Program
After reauthorization of the Clean Ohio program this November by Ohio Voters, the State has announced their intention to maintain two grant funding rounds per year going forward. Hopefully this will allow the program to operate more consisentely. In the past, project developers were often forced to try and rush projects because future funding rounds were…
Ohio Brownfield Redevelopment Program Leaves Grant Money On the Table
To quote a consultant I work with…"Times must be tough in Ohio when there is free money left on the table" for redevelopment.
Today, the Clean Ohio Council met to evaluate the project proposals for Round 5 of the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund. There was $17 million in grant funding available. In the previous 4…
Ohio Job Stimulus Package- Advanced Energy Grants and Loans Available
On Friday, November 7th, the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (OAQDA) held a bidders conference to launch the Advanced Energy/Job Stimulus Program. The Job Stimulus package set aside $150 million (over three years) to increase the development, production and use of advanced energy technologies in the state.
Those interested can begin filing applications for either…