Sustainable purchasing– is defined by the Sustainable Purchasing Network as "a management process for acquiring goods and services in a way that gives preference to suppliers that generate positive social and environmental outcomes, and that integrates sustainability considerations into product selection so that impacts on society and the environment are minimized throughout the full life
Ohio Trying to Sieze Green Jobs to Jump Start its Economy
By Joseph Koncelik on
Posted in Renewable Energy, Sustainability
A report released today by the U.S. Conference of Mayors estimates that job growth associated with green industries could be the fastest growing job market over the next few decades. As reported in Time Magazine:
A major shift to renewable energy and efficiency is expected to produce 4.2 million new environmentally friendly "green" jobs over
Sustainability, take note of fuel and energy saving opportunities
By Joseph Koncelik on
Posted in Sustainability
Here is a sampling of sustainable practices that can directly improve your company’s bottom line. As you can see from the descriptions, these practices involve large Fortune 500 companies. However, there is no reason they can’t be implemented by smaller companies. The examples in this post can help save fuel and reduce energy costs. With ever increasing prices for both the incentives…