The Clean Ohio program has released a new interactive tool called the"Project Location and Information Map" which provides an interesting overview of brownfield and greenfield projects that have received grant funding under the program.
You can search by type of grant funds for all projects across Ohio. You can also search by specific county and see all the projects in that area that received funding.
The project information is pretty limited once you select a specific site. It basically has a picture of the site and a description of the type of funding received (the picture above was taken from interactive map). There does not appear to be any details on the type of development anticipated or description of clean up issues encountered.
The State is inviting the project developers to provide more description, so perhaps there is an opportunity to give more detail. It would be helpful if the description on the map at least identified the parties involved on the project.
Due to the limited information, the map does not have much utility other than highlighting the large number of projects that have received grant funding across the State. However, you do have other options to gain more information about projects listed on the map.
Perhaps you are interested in a property in close proximity to a project that received funding. You always have the option of making a public record request to find out more details on a specific project. Under public records law you are entitled to see all the documents generated regarding the investigation and clean up associated with a project.