Back in 2006, the Ohio Legislature passed Senate Bill 265 which was hailed as the biggest change to air pollution control regulations in Ohio in several decades. The center piece of the legislation was an exemption for smaller sources of air pollution (10 tons per year or less) from having to comply with Ohio’s Best Available
S.B. 265
Three Years After Major Reforms- Ohio’s Air Permitting Process is Anything But Certain
Major uncertainty surrounds Ohio’s air permtting program. I use the term "certainty" because that was the buzz word utilized when business groups fought hard for major reforms that eventually were passed in Senate Bill 265 in 2006.
Back in 2006, business groups were concerned that Ohio’s system for issuing air permits was far more onerous and unpredictable than other…
Ohio BAT- Changes to State Air Pollution Control Strategy Prove Daunting
Back in 2006, while I was still at Ohio EPA, a major piece of state legislation worked its way through the General Assembly. Senate Bill 265 was developed by business groups in Ohio to address concerns with the structure and implementation of Ohio air pollution permitting programs. The main target to be fixed was the…
U.S. EPA Requests Ohio Provide Support for Air Reforms
Ohio EPA recently received a letter from U.S. EPA’s Region V requesting justification for changes made to the State’s air pollution control plan. The changes to the State plan came about as a result of reform legislation passed by the Ohio Legislature in 2006. Much has recently been made about the letter sent by…